Album (MSFALB825) - Taken after Air Strike Airstrike on MSF facility in Haydan, YEMEN Description: MSF facility in Saada, Yemen has been hit by several airstrikes on October 26th during the night while patients and staff were inside the structure. Download date: 27/10/2015 1:09:31 PM More info from MSF: The first airstrike took place at around 10:30 pm on Monday October 26th. The last airstrike was around 12:00 am. All the staff managed to leave the facility once they heard the first airstrike. There were two patients in the IPD department who also managed to escape after the first airstrike.  “I was not able to go inside as we believed there were remaining bombs that have not been exploded but I can confirm that the facility is 99% destroyed, “ said Miriam Czech, MSF project coordinator in Sa’ada. “ The emergency room was destroyed, the OPD, the IPD the lap and the maternity was destroyed. There was functioning OT but that was also destroyed.” Miriam was not there during the airstrike but she visited the facility today. She arrived there by 11:00 am (12 hours after the airstrike) and said that she could see and smell the smoke coming out of the facility. The health facility is closed now, and it was the only life-saving facility in the region. MSF used to receive around 150 emergency cases a week. Since May 2015, MSF received around 3400 injured. MSF recently was receiving less numbers as patients were not able to reach the health facility because of fear or airstrikes.

El bombardeo aéreo de la coalición dirigida por Arabia Saudí contra un hospital apoyado por Médicos Sin Fronteras (MSF) en Yemen constituye un ataque atroz que puede equipararse a un crimen de guerra; así lo ha afirmado hoy Amnistía Internacional. El hospital rural Abs, que fue alcanzado por las bombas hacia las tres y media de la tarde, hora local, ha atendido a 4.611 pacientes desde que MSF empezó a apoyar su labor en julio de 2015.

“El bombardeo de este hospital es un acto deplorable que ha costado vidas civiles, entre ellas las de personal médico, que se dedicaban a ayudar a personas enfermas y heridas en condiciones realmente difíciles. Atacar deliberadamente instalaciones médicas constituye una infracción grave del derecho internacional humanitario, equiparable a un crimen de guerra. Las circunstancias de este ataque deben ser objeto de una investigación exhaustiva e independiente”, ha afirmado Magdalena Mughrabi, directora del Programa de Amnistía Internacional para Oriente Medio y Norte de África.

“El ataque aéreo perpetrado hoy parece ser el último de una sucesión de ataques ilegales dirigidos específicamente contra hospitales, lo que evidencia un alarmante patrón de desprecio por la vida de los civiles.”